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Merry Christmas

I was up early this morning, as I usually am these days, and heard rumblings in my house that indicated someone else was up. My kids? Were they up to see what Santa brought them? Anthony and Riley are 28 and 25 - LOL! Then I realized they were up but only because the puppies needed to go to the bathroom. I laid in my bed thinking, wow have times changed. Where did the time go? In a few years that will be my grandson running down the stairs to see what goodies Santa brought. Did I just say grandson - where did the time go?

It was just four of us last night for Christmas Eve. Anthony, Riley, Bob and I. I wasn’t sure how it would be with just the four of us. Christmas Eve was always spent at my Parents’ home. Everyone dressed up in their Christmas finery, we’d huddle around Dad’s bar in the basement, eating the Shrimp cocktail that he’d loved serving. We’d follow with eating dinner, with the kids urging us to hurry so they could open the gifts that filled up half the basement. So with only four of us last night, I wondered how it would be.

It was quieter than usual, but not the quiet that makes you feel alone. It was a quiet night of connecting. Just the four of us. We drank wine, listened to Christmas music, ate copious amounts of food and played games (Bob cheats at Uno) and ate again. We tried the feast of the Seven Fishes (An Italian tradition). We ate over four hours. And talked.

We reminisced about past Christmases. This is the first Christmas without my Mom, talking about those memories was healing. We laughed and remembered the happiness of Christmas pasts. I again wondered “where did the time go?” Bob and I talked later about all the great memories we have of Christmas pasts, how we miss those that have passed, missed the big family gatherings. How change is a constant factor in life. People leave us and we need to figure out a new “normal”, new traditions.

There is a part of me that is feeling melancholy but then I bring it back to gratitude. I’m grateful that I have years of happy memories of Christmas. That after listening to my kids last night, that they too have happy memories. And we will create more happy memories. I’m sitting in my new house this morning, and today, we will celebrate our first Christmas here. It’s not the huge celebration I wanted to have, but if I really think about it, it’s perfect. I’m spending it with my family today - all my kids and our new grandson. We’ve planned another eating marathon and games to play. And there will be new memories to make, memories of a happy, grateful life. Life seems to be going by quickly but oh what fun it is! Merry Christmas Everyone - May your day be filled with magic and memories! #savingteets #Lovethis holiday #creatememories #timeformimosas


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